Friday, August 5, 2011


I made some homemade bubbles last night that I got off my Pinterest board HERE. It was so much fun. Even Alexa enjoyed it. Can I say I am so happy that at 11 she still enjoys simple stuff like this?! Alexa and Ethan played with it for about an hour last night. I had so much fun watching them and laughing. I love my kids:

 Alexa's face on the one above makes me laugh!

 Almost hit with a bubble in the face. Such a patient sister.

 Now we are using our hands to make bubbles

 Now we are washing our feet with the bubbles.
Yep we are taking an outside bath in the front yard with the bubbles. That's how we roll :)

1 comment:

Krysta said...

Summer evenings like that are the best! Enjoy them 'cause they are almost over. :) I have mixed feelings about that.

I love that Ethan is naked outside!